Theatre manifesto
We believe in promoting everything that is bizarre, instable, ugly and unexpected, in order to not fall back into those habits that the old tradition has made seem natural.
We believe in a respectless approach to the conventional value of the classics.
We believe that if theatre is rational, then it excludes human dimensions.
We believe that a static view of the world has to be replaced by universal flexibility.
We believe in fuelling the intellect by leading it in onto a path that is unknown to it.
We believe that laughter is still the best method to shake off the burden of hypocrisy.
We believe in deepening the search for contradiction and inconsistency in order to better display their unity.
We believe in fighting logic by showing that ambiguity is fundamental in life.
We believe that nothing is concluded on a stage or in a theatre lounge. Everything remains to be done outside of the theatre and in the real world.
Finally we believe that the power to change our world is found in love.